18 June 2007

Improper Planning or Lack of Information

We are free to dream ---make visions of how we want our lives to be some day. The dreams we make may be molded from the experiences that have made significance in us that we want to keep on having or we want to stop from coming. They may also be inspired by the people we admire or hate. Or, they may be evolutions of our own interpretations to the things we read from books or from the internet.

Yet, the extent of how much to let these dreams skyrocket will be limited to what we just know, seen, or heard. It would be most likely that you end up dreaming of something that is just better than what your parents or siblings or neighbors or friends were able to achieve. But there is nothing wrong with that. It is even an advantage to you. Coz you get to see their achievements and failures and learn from it. This is how influence of the environment works. And before you get yourself started in realizing your dreams, you can get a lot of tips and you are all geared up before firing.

So, what's wrong with going to a different direction and be different from everyone else? Nothing. In fact, as we said, we are free to dream. It is on taking the step to realize these dreams that we need to be careful. Don't try to realize a dream because you love to hear how it would make you at the end. Since you will be starting from scratch, gather all the information you need of the do's and dont's, advantages and disadvantages, references, capabilities and limitations. Check out yourself too if you have enough of the drive to get through it. If you wont, you will end up wasting your time and your dream, and you'll find yourself so far behind from where you should be already.

If you are already in a situation where you realize that you have chosen the wrong option, don't despair. Gather yourself and everything that is left of your dreams. Revise it, and make it work for you. You hold all the cards in playing your game. Who knows, you are allowed to travel that path so you would be able to clearly see the better one --- but just not the easy way. Good luck!